SerVo estrearam-se em Portugal no inicio deste verão. Esta estreia
foi proporcionada por uma excelente parceria entre o Sabotage Club e
a Fuzz Club que traria várias bandas portuguesas e também
internacionais ao palco do Cais do Sodré em duas noites. Uma
sucessão de desaires e coisas menos boas levou a que o festival se
viesse a resumir a uma noite onde actuaram os SerVo, Pretty Lightning
e os portugueses 10 000 Russos. Apesar de tudo foi uma noite
fantástica e a estreia dos SerVo não deixou nada ao acaso nem o
crédito por mãos alheias, desde as luzes preparadas pela banda à
projecção que se via quer no fundo do palco, quer outra mais
pequena projectada apenas no amplificador de um dos músicos. A sua
sonoridade que se pode situar nos meandros da nova vaga de post punk
atinge o seu máximo potencial ao vivo, e se por agora, foi difícil
encontrar alguma matéria sobre a banda, é seguro dizer que muito
provavelmente daqui a um ano não será bem assim. O próximo disco
já está perto de ser editado e a expectativa é alta.
to Nowhere – How did you got acquainted and began to play?
- Louis (bass) and Arthur (guitar) know each other since
they’re born. They began to play music together in high school.
Hugo (drums) joined the band a bit later.
STN – What does it mean SeRvo?
- It is
the name of a song from the BJM. I think, at the beginning, we just
liked the way the word sounds. It’s
quite difficult to find an adequate band name and we thought this one
was not completely bad.
– How would you describe the music you do?
- It's
hard to tell. We sometimes say “psych / cold”, but it doesn't
really mean anything. Some people call us “postpunk” or
“shoegaze”. The thing is that we use a lot of reverb, delay and
fuzz but still try to avoid the “psych” stereotypes.We
like to describe it as ambient, mechanical and violent.
– Could you disclose us a bit about your song Love#2 or anyother
you would like to talk about?
- It's
all about love and being ready to love.
STN – Where did you all learn to play? Did you have lessons or anything like that?
- We
mostly learned by ourselves. Our drummer used to learn the clarinet
when he was a child, but it is not something that's really usefull
for the band.
– Can you tell us how was your first rehearsal?
- We
don't really remember the first rehearsal, but we're almost sure it
sounded awfull.
STN – How was it your first tour?
- For
our first tour, we were with another band called Greyfell, we went to
the east of France and Switzerland. It was mostly in squats and
self-managed venues. It was cold and there were as many dogs as
people during the shows, but we had fun.
– How the local music scene for you? Are there venues that were
anyway crucial for you?
- We
live in Rouen, which is not a very big city, there is not many venues
but we've been supported by Le 106, a local venue where we can
rehearse too, and the people who work there are really helping all
the local bands. The other venue is Le 3 Pièces, which is a bar with
a small scene in the cellar. We have to confess we spend a lot of
time there. But there is actually a lot of bands in Rouen, and the
scene starts to be really interesting. We created a collective with
some friends that is called SOZA. It is meant to gather bands we like
in Rouen.
Which bands most influenced you?
– To
name a few ones : -
Black lips, A Place to Bury Strangers, Metz, Holograms, Dead
Skeleton, Scrap Dealers and especially the opening song of Pokemon ..
STN – Could do us a short resume for dummies of French musical scene?
- There
is a lot of bands, and some of them are actually really good. One of
our favorite french band is Korto, you definitely should listen to
their album.
– If you could time travel, were would you like to go see a show or
- In
the future. Or maybe for dinosaurs.
STN – “The Lair of Gods ” was out in 2016. When can we expect a new álbum?
- We
already recorded the new album. We're currently working on the mix,
and we'd like to release it by the end of the year.
– You’re playing in Portugal in the last week of June, can you
disclose what’s to be expected in your shows here?
- Stroboscope.
– The last word is yours!
- À
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